Making Just Rights?
Mainstreaming Women’s Human Rights & a Gender Perspective

By Sari Kouvo
June 2004
Iustus Forlag
ISBN: 9176785599
384 pages, Illustrated, 5 ¾" x 8 1/2"
$120.00 Paper Original

The United Nations has been criticized for not advancing strongly the rights of women, and because of this the UN has begun to champion equality between the sexes. This comprehensive Ph.D. thesis focuses on the background, development & institutional implementation of the strategies to promote women’s rights.

Partial Contents:

UN Human Rights Framework.
UN Equality Strategies.
Feminist Perspectives on International Law.
Feminist Perspectives on Human Rights.
Historical Overview of Human Rights.
Women-Centered Equality Strategies.
World Conferences on Human Rights.
Sex/Gender System.
Gender Mainstreaming.
Integrative Strategies.
Commission on Human Rights.
Human Rights Treaties.
Official Documents.

Law; Human Rights; Women's Studies

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