Multi-Service Schools
Integrated Services for
Children & Youth at RiskEdited by Dolf van Veen,
Christopher Day & Guido Walraven
December 1998
ISBN: 90-5350-776-0
193 pages
$44.00 paperback
In recent years a major trend in policy and practice in response to problems of growing inequality and the consequences for schools and families has been a focus on collaborative child- and family-centered education, health and human services systems.
This book discusses the policies and provides examples of good practice and innovative projects which integrate school, family and community resources to address barriers to children's learning and healthy development. This book aims to challenge existing practices and enhance transnational partnerships in research, practice and policy analysis in this field.
As such it is an essential resource for researchers, policy makers, educators and students interested in children and youth at risk, urban education and educational and youth policy.
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