Memories of a Giant
Eulogies in Memory of Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. Soloveitchik

Edited By Michael A. Bierman
August 2003
Urim Publications
ISBN: 965-7108-50-0
368 pages, Illustrated, 7" x 9 3/4"
$27.95 Hardcover

This is a work about Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik. Edited with great care and devotion, it seeks to depict "the Rav" to the average, thoughtful layperson through the very human and personal perspectives of members of his family, as well as devoted disciples. In addition to being a man of deep learning and powerful intellect, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik is presented here as a man of great chesed, profound personal piety and impeccable integrity. The eulogies (hespidem) collected in this volume, delivered by leaders of the Orthodox community, chronicle the impact of not only a brilliant philosopher and master pedagogue, but a caring, thoughtful and awe-inspiring teacher and role model.

Judaism; Biography
The Rabbi Soloveitchik Library

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