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Malaysian Women in Rural Development
& Entrepreneurship
From Rural Producers to Urban Entrepreneurs
By Maimunah Ismail
December 2001
Asean Academic Press
ISBN: 1-901919-29-3
200 pages, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
$25.00 Paperback
This book comprises selected empirical accounts on participation and role of Malaysian women in rural development and entrepreneurship. It is based on a number of studies conducted within a span of ten years from 1991 to 2000. Rural development and entrepreneurship are two important economic subsectors of any developing nation, especially one that is in transition from agriculture to industry. Research related to rural development include gender analyses on women's access to land and progressive farmers; rural women's income-generating projects; and the role of rural women in sustainable development. Topics discussed on women entrepreneurship are gender needs analysis, career motivations and working strategies. The book strongly concludes that gender disaggregated data and data on women within the perspective of gender relations are important in describing the status and position of women in development. The book also discusses some recommendations for future practical agenda and research implications on women in rural development and entrepreneurship.