Land Transportation Engineering

By Radu Andrei
December 2002
Editura Tehnica-Info
ISBN: 9975-63-128-2
204 pages, Illustrated, 5 1/2" x 8"
$72.00 Paper Original


This manual is aimed to introduce civil engineering students into the various fields of Transportation Engineering. Based on a sound theoretical and practical experience, gained with various road and bridge projects, in road laboratories or in significant research centers from this country and abroad, the author intends through this course, to familiarize the student with the basic concepts, criteria and technical recommendations related with the highway, railway, airfield and bridge engineering.

In order to cover a minimum necessary curriculum, correlated with the relative reduced number of hours allocated for this course, the main subjects are concentrated on ten independent lectures, dedicated to the general aspects of transport engineering activities, treating the criteria for route location and survey, route geometric design in horizontal and vertical alignment, the design and construction of earthworks, principles for the design and construction of railways, airports, roads and bridges.

Civil Engineering, Transportation

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