John's Relationship with Mark
An Analysis of John 6 in the Light of Mark 6-8
By Ian Mackay
November 2004
Mohr Siebeck
ISBN: 3161484266
360 pages, 6" x 9 ¼"
$97.50 Paper Original
This examination of John's relationship with Mark focuses rather tightly on John 6 and Mark 6-8, but the focus is not intended to be at all restrictive - rather it is hoped that it might serve as a profitable first step towards making a contribution to the overall debate on John and Mark.
The second and fourth gospels, the first and last according to the majority view, seem different from, more elusive that the others. Matthew and Luke show their hands more clearly, as it were.
Matthew presents itself as "a kind of Christian Manual of Discipline" with its Jesus in the garb of Torah; Luke as "ancient religious biography" with Jesus as the universal liberator. Mark and John remain inscrutable however, mysterious even, so that their driving force is not immediately apparent.
No doubt this is because while Matthew and Luke include a satisfying amount of Jesus' ethical teaching, John and Mark focus on the person of Jesus, his role and the importance of receiving what he gives.
Contents include: Introduction, The relationship between John and Mark, Some Introductory issues, Comparative exegesis, Conclusions, Bibliography.
Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2. No. 182
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