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Ioffe Institute: 1918-1998
Development and Research Activities

Edited by Zh. Alferov
December 1998
Ioffe Institute
ISBN: 5-86763-125-7
284 pages, illustrated
$49.50 hardcover


This book is devoted to the 80th anniversary of the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institue-one of the oldest and most famous institutions in the Russian Academy of Sciences. The volume includes review articles on the Institute's main research areas carried out in the past and present and also some helpful data concerning the Institute and staff. Includes many black & white figures and pictures. Sections include: Introduction. Development of the Institute. Scientific Reviews on Advanced Areas (11 areas, covering topics such as Semiconductor Heterostructures, Optical Spectroscopy, Cosmic gamma-ray bursts, and Physical Kinetics of Deformation and Fracture of Solids). Institute's Research Divisions. Personalia. Honoray Membership.

Physics; History