Involvement of Children
& Teacher Style
Insights from an International Study
on Experimental Education
Studia Paedagogica, New Series, No. 35
Edited by Ferre Laevers & Ludo Heylen
December 2003
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-342-1
189 pages, 6 1/8" x 9 ½"
$47.50 Paper Original
Partial Contents: Making care & education more effective through well being & involvement. Implementing the Involvement Scales in German day care centers. Improving the quality of early childhood education from within. Air-sea rescue terminated by lack of pedagogical tact. Quality of adult engagement in early childhood settings in the UK. Adult role in Finnish early childhood education & care. Childhood pedagogy-importance of interactions & relations. Enabling & empowering early intervention professionals. Inclusive education in Nicaragua. Process-oriented self-assessment instrument. Conclusions.
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