Intellectual Property
Cumulative Index Vol. 1-41
Edited By Peter Walhgren
December 2002
Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law
ISBN: 91-85142-56-5
338 pages, 6 3/4" x 9 3/4"
$118.00 Hardcover
The series of Scandinavian Studies in Law presents articles by Scandinavian lawyers and legal scholars. The volumes are arranged by topic. In this issue 15 articles focusing on various problems relating to intellectual property are presented.
Intellectual property has become in recent years an issue which almost everyone has a conscious relation to, partly as a consequence of the digitalization and the growth of the Internet. It is also obvious that an increasing number of social sectors are becoming affected by problems related to intellectual property, as the technical progress continues.
Recent illustrations of this development are provided by the debate about the possibilities of protecting DNA sequences, the increasing awareness of the social impact of granting patents for various medical solutions, and the growing use of the internet as a medium for transmitting music files.
The legal framework covering these issues is multifaceted, comprising legislation concerning patents, trademarks, copyright, company names, semiconductors, designs, etc., including a large number of special provisions adopted for e.g. the use of data bases, computer programs, and domain names. It is also noticeable that the rules appear at various levels and that the field is constantly undergoing changes, as various interests are being articulated and challenged.
International Law
Scandinavian Studies in Law Vol. 42
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