Industrial Minerals

Resources, Characteristics & Applications

Edited By Patrick Degryse & Jan Elsen
December 2003
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-316-2
131 pages, Illustrated, 8 ¼" x 11 ¾"
$72.50 Paper Original

Contents include: "Industrial Minerals - Resources, Characteristics and Applications - an Introduction", "The Industrial Mineral Market: Major Players, Competition between Minerals and Special Applications", "Energy and Industrial Minerals", "Construction Raw Materials Policy and Supply Practices in Northwestern Europe", "Versatile Basalt: Facts and Problems", "Sandstones, Quartzites and Calcite-cemented Sandstones for Aggregates and Ornamental Stone", "Crinoidal Limestone: Observation of Discontinuities from Micro- to Macro-scale", "Petrographical and Mineralogical Analysis of Historical Lime Mortars in Belgium", "Explanatory Research into New Materials: Use of Carbon Residue in Concrete Applications and Transformation of Silicates into Filling Materials", "Alkali-Silica Reaction in Concrete in Belgium - a Review", "Contribution to the Understanding of the Lime Cycle during History in Western Europe", "Trace-elements in Unconsolidated Sedimentary Rocks of the Flemish Region (Belgium) in a Legislative Context", "Prospection and Evaluation of Clay Deposits in the Republic of Ireland", "Non-Metallic Inclusions and Steel Cleanliness".

Geology; Civil Engineering
Aardkundige Mededelingen No. 13

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