India’s Interaction with Southeast Asia
Edited By G.C. Pande
History of Science, Philosophy & Culture in Indian Civilization, Vol. 1, Part 3
February 2006
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 8187586249
736 pages, Illustrated, 8 ½” x 11 ¼”
$137.50 Hardcover
This volume provides a much needed synthesis of new research on ancient Indian contact with Southeast Asia. It situates Indo-Southeast Asian interchange within a global civilization perspective, in which the old notion of the Indic ‘motherland’ sustaining the southeast Asian civilization is discarded in favor of a reciprocal model that explores the uniqueness of the lands on both sides of the Bay of Bengal.
The volume gives equitable academic space to both dimensions of Indo-Southeast Asian contacts: the Indic influences that shaped Southeast Asians that refined Indian art and architecture into the wonders of Angkor Vat and Borobudur. The contributions to the volume come from art historians, archaeologists, linguists, historians and philosophers well known in their field. The volume is relevant for the specialist as well as the layman.
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