ICEST 2003
Proceedings of the XXXVIII International
Scientific Conference on Information, Communication
& Energy Systems & Technologies
Edited By Rumen Arnaudov
December 2003
Heron Press
ISBN: 954-580-146-8
534 pages, Illustrated, 8 ¼" x 11 ½"
$215.00 Paper Original
Partial Contents:
RADIO COMMUNICATION DEVICES & SYSTEMS: Algorithm for optimal receiving signals of jump-like change of carrying frequency. Bit error probability of the QPSK System. Diversity systems performance in the presence of shadowing. QPSK system performance using fading indent circuit. Precision & noise immunity. Functional precision of communication systems. Synchronization in TETRA networks. Ultra-wideband technology in Europe. UWB interference on a non-UWB system. UWB spectrum shaping. Ultra Wideband multiple access systems. Tactical VHF/UHF networks. Parameters of output filters for direct digital synthesizers. Pattern recognition. Encoding analogue TV signal in cable TV networks. Supply voltage form in cable TV amps. Chaotic signals.
MICROWAVE TECHNIQUES & ANTENNAS: Conventional single-mode fibers. Link range of free space laser communication system. Loaded cylindrical metallic cavity (3-D TLM method). Microwave transistor noise models. GENESYS-Compatible models for 2-D circuit analysis. Propagation curves. Antenna miniaturization using fractal geometry. Substrate influence on bandwidth of rectangular microstrip resonator antennas. Edge effects. Tropospheric duct parameters changes on microwave path loss.
RADAR & NAVIGATION SYSTEMS: User location in cellular networks. Microwave autonomous angular position finding. Automatic radar processing using OSCA CFAR detector. Use of space correlation of satellite move in GPS. Secondary applications of CDMA cellular systems. Accuracy of a BPNN tracking filter.
TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS: Planning wireless code division. Access network in ATM networks. Genetic algorithms in access network planning. Priority traffic shaping in ATM networks. Personal wireless networks. Statistical analysis & modeling in Internet traffic. IM/DD optical system performance. Improvement of optical cables. Diversified path restoration in WDM networks. Basic security models. Fail-safe, self-modifying finite automata. Service architecture & functionalities. Optimum orthogonal mode allocation in CDMA downlinks.
SIGNAL PROCESSING: Williamson-Hadamard Transforms. Least squares image resizing. Design of transitional Butterworth-Chebyshev IIR-Filters. Turbo code delay reduction. Invariant sub-spaces in third-order digital two's complement overflow. Inverse Hausdorf LC filters.
AUDIO SYSTEMS: Loudspeaker systems. Psychoacoustic models. Output dissipation of a class AB audio amp. Fast CELP code book search method. Fast index lookup in databases through laser approximation window.
DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING: Multi-layered watermarking. Handwriting features in neurological disorders. Simulation of MPEG Codec for moving pictures. Analogue neural network cell models. Image compression with recursive IDP algorithm. News contributions to central TV broadcasting station. COMPUTER SYSTEMS &
INTERNET TECHNOLOGY: Extending database technology to support location-based service applications. Retrieval by spatial similarity in image databases. Distributed search in databases for Web services. WAN located databases using Z39 50 Protocol. Internet databases using SOAP Protocol & XML standard. Protocols, guaranteeing QoS on VoIP technologies. Artificial neural networks. Selection, mutation, and recombination in genetic algorithms. Polyalphabetic substitution cipher. Transposition ciphers. (4,2) Formal languages. Decomposition & Software Source Code. Finite number of processors with communications delay. Tree indexing spatial data in network space. Julia multitudes. Business aspects of mobile payments. User-level DMA. Multicriteria decision making. 3-D geographical info systems. Interactive computer system for solving problems with multiple criteria.
CONTRO SYSTEMS: Sliding mode control. Model-based fault diagnosis. Synchronized control of multi-motor drives. Control algorithms. Intelligent transducers. Measuring & acquiring dynamic data. Virtual absolute encoders. Absolution position measurement. Calibration confidence. Time-to-digital converter. ICs for digital wireless short-range communication. Lidar measurements.
POWER SYSTEMS: Torque control schemes. Drivers for high frequency power supply. 3-D analysis of electromagnetic systems. 50-Hz fields. Leakage fluxes in solid salient poles. Grounding system of transmission lines. Barrier electric discharge. Reduced admittance matrix. Multi-objective power system planning. Energy losses. Soil thermal non-homogeneity on the cable. GPS for synchronization in energy info networks. Voltage regime of electric power. GSM modules.
ENGINEERING EDUCATION: Graphics & media support. Automated term time table for universities and an application for the intranet. Info systems for testing. Analysis of AM signals. Real medical signals. EKG acquisition for IBM PCs. Noise reduction of medical diagnostic signals. One channel ECG system.
Telecommunications; Information technology
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