Hydrogen Interactions with
Silicon-on-Insulator Materials

By Antonio Rivera
December 2002
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2374-5
145 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½ x 9 ½"
$49.50 paper original

Contents of this doctoral dissertation include: Charge build up, dangling bond generation & hydrogen release in MOS structures subjected to hole injection. Thermal release of deuterium from SiO(2). Positron transport along SiO(2) layers of MOS structures. Cleaning, metallization & etching. Ion transplantation. Sample annealing. Thermal desertion spectrometry. Doppler broadening. Annihilation radiation. Large area capacitors. Silicon defects. TDS results with top silicon layer removed. Defect generation & annealing. Positron transport in MOS systems. Amorphous & heterogeneous hydrogenated silicon deposited on silicon dioxide. References. Summary.


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