Historical International Standard
Classification of Occupations
[In English with additional indices in Dutch,
French, German, Norwegian & Swedish]
By Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, Ineke Maas & Andrew Miles
April 2002
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-196-8
441 pages; 7 1/4" x 11"
$87.50 hardcover
This book provides a coding scheme for occupationally-based research; it arose out of an attempt to study historical patterns of work and social mobility in comparative perspective. When the authors came to discuss how to organize national data to make comparisons between countries, it became evident that they would need to generate a scheme to allow them to code occupational information cross-nationally into a common classification.Contents:
Preface. Creating HISCO. Using the HISCO manual. Outline of HISCO structure. HISCO groups, definitions and codes. Subsidiary classifications. Concordance between HISCO and ISCO68. Alphabetical coding index.
History; Occupational Science
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