Humanistica Lovaniensia
[In English, Spanish & Latin]
Edited By Gilbert Tournoy, et al.
December 2002
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 90-5867-245-X
418 pages, 6 1/4" x 9 1/2"
$142.50 Paper Original
Contents include: The Chronology of the First Letters, The Making of 16th Century Mythography: Giraldi's Syntagma de Musis, El Humanista espanol Juan de Verzosa y sus contactos en Flandes: un intercambio de epistolas con el humanista Joaquin Polites, Traductio and imitatio in Faerno's Neo-Latin Fables, Richard White and the Legendary History of Britain, An Unknown and Unpublished Letter from Claudio Acquaviva, SJ, to Justus Lipsius, and the Saturnian Lullaby in Pascoli's Thallusa.
Language Studies
Journal of Neo-Latin Studies Vol. LI - 2002
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