Gracious God
Gratia in Augustine & the Twelfth Century
By Aage Rydstrom-Poulsen
November 2002
Akademisk Forlag
ISBN: 8750036750
555 pages, 7" x 9 ¾"
$225.00 Hardcover
This book examines Augustine's core notion of gratia, how it was transmitted, and how it influenced the great 12th-century contributors to the history of Western Christian thought. It demonstrates how much it is justified to talk of an Augustinian renaissance in the flourishing 12th century with careful consideration of developments, changes, and criticism of the Augustinian heritage.
Contents include: Introduction, Augustine - Doctor Gratiae, At the Opening of the Twelfth Century, The Early Scholastics and their Schools, Two Monastic Theologians: William of Saint-Thierry and Bernard of Clairvaux, Peter Lombard and the School of Paris, General Conclusion, Danish Summary, Bibliographies.
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