Global Artworld, Inc.
On the Globalization of Contemporary Art
Figura Nova Series, No. 32
By Charlotte Bydler
August 2004
Uppsala University Press
ISBN: 9155459129
343 pages, Illustrated, 6" x 9"
$59.50 Paper Original
This is a Ph.D. dissertation. Several exhibitions have called for attention to the globalization of contemporary art and the emergence of a global art world. It has been seen as homogenized and diversified, expanding and contracting. Globalization may also signal a general relativism, such as the idea that spectacular international biennials prefigure the end of the hegemony of the USA and Western Europe in contemporary arts.
Rival peer groups and art centers have emerged with contemporary art biennials held in Venice, Havana, Istanbul, and Kwangju, as well as the itinerant Manifesta. A broader knowledge about artistic traditions has become needed, as historians, seminar organizers, and critics seek to interpret the new course of events. All of the above affect the labor-market for the increasing numbers of freelancing art world professionals. The thesis derived from studying a number of biennials concerns the activity of totalization in general art history, the identification of the avant-garde art concept, and its location within practices and historical institutions.
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