Globalization & City Ports:
The Response of City Ports
in the Southern Hemisphere
Globalization Urban Form & Governance, No. 10
Edited Marisa Carmona
December 2003
Delft University Press
ISBN: 90-407-2470-9
137 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$42.50 Paper OriginalOUT OF PRINT
Globalization policies have been advocated by governments and by international development agencies as the most promising way out from underdevelopment. They argue that these policies would enhance the trading opportunities of the less developed regions in a world-wide market and would promote their internal modernization by transferring advanced management and technology from global firms.
Structural adjustments, city marketing and infrastructure modernization appear simultaneously as a requirement and as an outcome of the new age of globalization. The Research Atelier Alfa takes globalization as an important component of current thinking about city, yet sees the city not as a purely macroeconomic imperative but as a social process of building and negotiations, in which different actors state their interest, propose solutions and generate decisions.
Contents include: Introduction, Restructuring of Central Areas in Port Cities, Durban Port: Adapting to Changing Times, Transformations in Port-Cities in Times of Globalization: The Case of the Rio de la Plata Estuary, The Split between the City and the Port: The Case of Valparaiso, Rio de Janeiro - Recovery and Revitalization, the City and its Port, Cities and Ports: The Port of Montevideo, Urban Development in the Port Cities of the Rio de la Plata Basin, The Significance of the River Shore in the Development of the City, Changes in the Panama Canal and the Transformation in Panama City.
Urban Planning; Civil Engineering
Globalization Urban Form & Governance, No. 7
Globalization Urban Form & Governance, No. 9
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