Gypsy Narratives:
From Poverty to Culture
By Jelena Cvorovic
December 2004
The Serbian Academy of Sciences & Arts
ISBN: 8675870299
178 pages, Illustrated, 5 1/8" x 7 7/8"
$67.50 Paper Original
"You will wonder all through the Earth forever, you will never sleep in the same place, nor will you drink from the same spring twice." These are the alleged words of the great magician who cursed Cen, the ancestor of all Roma. This is how Roma explain their curse.
Contents include: A history of gypsies, Gypsies in Serbia, Study Sites and Ethnography, Gypsy narratives, Story I: From poverty to culture, Story II: Old Stories are just like school, Story III: A true Serb, Conclusion.
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