Gravity, Astrophysics & Strings @ the Black Sea
Second Advanced Research Workshop from the Joint Group on Gravity & Astrophysics

Edited by P.P. Fiziev & M.D. Todorov
November 2005
St Kliment Ohridski University Press
ISBN: 9540721261
233 pages, Illustrated, 6 3/4 x 9 1/2"
$125.00 Hardcover

Partial Contents:

High Performance & Grid Computing (Cactus framework)
Scalar Gravity
Gravity as Archimedes' Threat
Nonsingular, multi-dimensional cosmologies
Scalar Vacuum Structure
Two-Spin Solutions for Generalized Pulsating Strings
Einstein Equations with Massive Point Source
Klein-Gordon Equation
Point Electric Charge in General Relativity
Accelerating Universe
N-Soliton Solutions
Fermion Families
Spectral Geometry
Low Engergy Limit of String Theory
Rotating Strings with B-field
Numerical Relativity

Astrophysics; String Theory

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