Fish & Dolphin Swimming
By E.V. Romanenko
November 2002
Pensoft Publishers
ISBN: 954-642-150-2
443 pages, Illustrated, 6 3/4" x 9 1/2"
$149.50 Hardcover
This is a monographic, fully original treatment devoted to fish and dolphin swimming mechanics, with an up-to-date review of the modern concepts of and approaches to bio-hydrodynamics. The opinion is supported and advanced that at least the dolphins show certain mechanisms to control the boundary layer and to decrease the hydrodynamic friction resistance (Gray's Paradox). Chapters include theoretical models of swimming; law of body deformation; distribution of the dynamic pressure on the body of fish & dolphin; basics of statistic bio-hydrodynamics; experimental kinematics & hydrodynamic studies; results of the experimental researches; and evaluation. The treatise is destined for students and specialists in biology, hydrodynamics and hydromechanics.
Marine Biology
Russian Academic Monographs No. 2
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