Fresh Ideas in ELT

By Lilyana Grozdanova
September 2003
St Kliment Ohridski University Press
ISBN: 9540718368
179 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/4 x 8"
$79.50 Hardcover

Partial Contents:

Learning & Teaching in a New Perspective.
Vocabulary Building--Cognitive Aspect; Teaching Vocabulary in a Systemic Way.
Grammar Development--Consciousness-Training vs. Explicit Grammar; Adjacency Pair Technique; From Semantic to
Grammatical Organization; Semantic Activation of Grammar Forms; Productive Lexico-Syntactic Patters.
Independent Learning--Motivation & Authenticity; Self-Actualization; Self-Evaluation & Learner-Autonomy.
A New Class of Teaching Materials.
Micro-Teaching Techniques that Work.

Language Studies

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