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Ethics in Business & Management
Islamic & Mainstream Approaches

Edited By Khaliq Ahmad & AbulHasan M. Sadeq
December 2001
Asean Academic Press
ISBN: 1-901919-17-X
345 pages, Illustrated, 5 3/4" x 8 3/4"
$97.50 hardcover

How can we seek to sustain real Islamic values in a world of rapid and traumatic changes, without holding up modernization and development? This is the important question which this book addresses. This book deals with the Islamic ethical system in economic behavior, and touches upon the various issues confronting business today. Besides discussing business ethics and the social responsibility of businessmen from both the conventional and Islamic viewpoints, it also explores the possible dimension of ethical behavior in management. Due emphasis is also given to the role of leadership from both the conventional and Islamic perspectives, and discussions on the value-charged leadership which presupposes an Islamic leadership are also presented. A comparative and complementary approach in its presentation enables the generation of thought-provoking issues. This would pave the way for a more effective and humane set of ethics in business and management.
