Enhancing Work Resumption of Patients on Sub-Acute Sickness Absence
Intervening in Information Asymmetry among Medical Stakeholders
Involved in Disability Management in Belgium

Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia, No. 361

By Katrien Morteeelmans
September 2006
Leuven University Press
Ph.D. Dissertation
ISBN: 9058675408
183 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/8 x 9 3/8"
$110.00 Paper Original

Part I: Introduction

I.1. Sub-acute sickness absence
I.2. Sickness absence research
I.3. Intervening in information asymmetry
I.4. Medical stakeholders involved in disability management in Belgium
I.5. The research question

Part II: The research

II.1. Study 1. Disability management through positive intervention in stake-holders’ information asymmetry. A pilot study
II.2. Study 2. Does enhanced information exchange between social insurance physicians and occupational physicians improve patient work resumption? A controlled intervention study
II.3. Study 3. An analysis of the communication during an enhanced and structured information exchange between social insurance physicians and occupational physicians in disability management in Belgium

Part III: Discussion and conclusion

III.1. Explanations for the lack of positive results
III.2. Comparing the research results to other studies
III.3. Critical analysis of the research methodology
III.4. The participating physicians’ view of the research project
III.5. Implications of our research in Belgium and recommendations
III.6. Conclusion







Medical Science
Human Resources Management

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