Excluding for Inclusion?
Negotiating School Careers & Identities in Pupil
Welfare Settings in the Swedish School
By Eva Hjorne
Goteborg Studies in Educational Sciences, No. 213
December 2004
Goteborg University
ISBN: 9173465011
216 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½” x 9 ½”
$77.50 Paper OriginalOUT OF PRINT
The purpose of the present study is to contribute to the understanding of institutional reasoning and categorizing practices in schools when dealing with pupils who are experiencing difficulties. The empirical analyses focus on three aspects of the pupil welfare system in the Swedish school. The first concerns categorizing practices in the context of pupil welfare team meetings.
This is a central mechanism for institutional problem-solving and decision-making in relation to pupils with alleged difficulties. The second issue concerns the uses of the particular diagnosis of ADHD/Damp. This category/diagnosis has been chosen as interesting to study, since it is frequently used when accounting for pupils difficulties.
It is important to see when, and how, it is invoked as a resource for making decisions and for understanding pupils assumed difficulties. This issue has been studied in pupil welfare team meetings and in pupil welfare conferences. In the latter context, institutional representatives discuss with parents issues that relate to their child. Finally, the third issue concerns the pedagogical response to the diagnosis ADHD/Damp. The focus here has been on exploring, by means of a case study, the pedagogical practices developed in school in order to match the diagnosis.
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