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Effects of Melanocortins and N-Terminal Proopiomelanocortin
on Cardiovascular Function and Autonomic Dynamics
By Dirk Ramaekers
Sept. 1999 (Leuven University Press)
ISBN: 90-6186-958-7
144 p.
$58.50 Paper Original
Contents include: General Introduction; An Illustration of the N-POMC/Melanocortin System: The Pituitary; Development of an Animal Set-Up to Study the Influence of Neuropeptides on Cardiovascular Autonomic Regulation; Effect of Centrally Administered Melanocortins and rrPOMC1-74; Effect of Peripherally Administered Melanocortins; General Conclusions and Future Perspectives; Summary.Medical Sciences
Series: Acta Biomedica Lovaniensia