Dutch Language Press in America
Two Centuries of Printing, Publishing & Bookselling
By Hendrik Edelman
July 1986
HES & DE GRAAF Publishers
ISBN: 906004388X
209 Pages, Illustrated
$120.00 Hardcover
Contents: Introduction - The Foreign Language Press in America - The Dutch in America - Dutch American Printing, Publishing and Bookselling - Bibliographic Inventory of Dutch American Imprints (1693-1948) - Bibliography - Index. "The work was a mammoth undertaking, and Edelman deserves our gratitude" (Harry Boonstra in The Library Quarterly April 1988). "... (an) invaluable research tool" (The Antiquarian Bookman Feb. 1987).
Bibliography; History of Printing
Bibliotheca Bibliographica Neerlandica, Vol. XXI
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