Defending Faith: Lutheran Responses to Andreas Osiander's
Doctrine of Justification, 1551-1559
Spatmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation No. 65
By Timothy Wengert
June 2012
Mohr Siebeck
Distributed by
ISBN: 9783161517983
468 pages
$277.50 Hardcover
In the Protestant churches of the sixteenth century was marked by the teaching of justification by faith. As a former Reformer of Nuremberg, Andreas Osiander (1498-1552), began in 1550 as a theology professor at the University of Konigsberg in East Prussia for a new understanding of this doctrine, almost all other Protestant churches rejected the German-speaking from his attitude. Timothy J. Wengert examines the objections that they had against Osiander's theology in detail and provides a theological perspective on the process of confessionalisation the Lutherans in the period between the death of Martin Luther in 1546 and the publication of Konkordienbuchs in 1580. The violent response to Osiander's way of thinking presents itself as a special literary event: Between 1551 and 1559 were almost 100 tracts for and against Osiander published opinion. Timothy J. Wengert analyzed these reactions, in which he especially the contributions of Gnesio-Lutherans, and Johannes Brenz and Melanchthon pays attention, but also the role of Luther's texts played in the debate.
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