Return to Coronet Books main pageDeep-Water Traction Current Deposits
A Study of Internal Tides, Internal Waves,
Contour Currents and Their Deposits
Edited By Gao Zhenzhong et al.
Oct. 1999 (VSP Science)
ISBN: 90-6764-285-1
134 p.
$72.50 Cloth
Contents include: Internal Tides, Internal Waves and Their Deposits in Modern Oceans; Internal-Tide and Internal-Wave Deposits in the Stratigraphic Record; Formative Conditions and Discriminating Characteristics of Internal-Tide and Internal-Wave Deposits; Contour Currents and Their Deposits; Contourites; Contourite Drifts; Perspectives on the Study of Deep-Water Traction Current Deposits.
Earth Science