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Disabled People
Citizenship & Social Work: The Malaysian Experience

By Denison Jayasooria
December 2000
ASEAN Academic Press
ISBN: 1-901919-18-8
309 pages, 5 3/4" x 8 3/4"
$79.50 Hardcover

What place do disabled people have in Malaysian society? Will they remain marginalized and ignored or can they become independent and self-reliant citizens of this nation? Many disabled people are merely recipients of handouts and charity. But with opportunity and chance, they can have dignity and a sense of worth. These questions and issues form part of this interesting study by scholar-activists Denison Jayasooria. His book also looks at wider concerns of citizenship rights, justice, equal opportunity, social work models and practices and national welfare policies. The author also includes excerpts and quotes from extensive interviews and interaction with disabled people, staff and leaders of voluntary groups and figures in the disability movement. This is a major and rare piece of work on disability issues, disabled people, policies and also the future direction of this significant segment of society. It will help readers gain a better understanding of the struggles of disabled people in their quest for a meaningful and productive life in a nation heading towards modern industrialized status.

Social Welfare