Crossroads in Africa
By Basil Davidson & Antonio Bronda
ISBN: 0-85124-245-6 (cloth);
ISBN: 0-85124-246-4 (paper)
99 pages
$33.50 Cloth
$17.95 Paper
A thirty year association with Africa, personal knowledge of many of its leaders and first hand experience of some of the most dramatic events of post-colonial development have given Basil Davidson's comments on African affairs unique value. In this discussion with Antonio Bronda, London correspondent of L'Uita, he looks at the gains and losses of the last three decades and at Africa's various attempts to move into the modern world.
This book throws a powerful light on the whole continent: from the "buffooneries of Emperor Bokassa" to the successful struggles of Angola, Mozambique and Guinea Bissau; from the practical problems of drought relief to the need for a specifically African theory of revolution; from the problems of nationalism and neo-colonial domination to the need to find a place in the international arena on its own terms.
Davidson has an extraordinary insight into the dynamics of Africa, and a passionate commitment to the freedom and development of all the African peoples.
African Studies
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