Core & Periphery in Late
Medieval Urban Society
[in English, Dutch & French]

Edited by Myriam Carlier, Anke Greve, et al.
December 1997
ISBN: 90-5350-587-3
203 pages, illustrated
$43.50 paperback

The Low Countries were among the most densely urbanized regions in late-medieval Western Europe. In the core regions-Flanders, Brabant, and Holland-33 to 50% of the population lived in cities. It is not surprising that urban society as a model had a great impact.

However, it was not a monolithic system. Various social groups had their own impact, their own interests and aspirations. This could lead to a modus vivendi, but it could also create bitter conflict.

The boundaries between various groups-and it is questionable whether such a term is really appropriate-were often very thin. In this collection of papers, specialists illustrated, by showing the impact of urban social groups and the interactions between these groups, the complexity of urban society in the late medieval Low Countries.


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