Conflict Prevention through
Development Co-operation
An Inventory of Recent Research Findings -
With Implications for International
Development Co-operation
By Peter Wallensteen, et al.
November 2001
Uppsala University Press
ISBN: 91-506-1513-0
60 pages, 5 3/4" x 8"
$22.50 Paper Original
Using the results of systematic studies on the causes of internal war the international team that is behind this report identifies 47 policy conclusions for development co-operation in conflict prevention. It notes that internal wars often are rooted in dynamic, which are difficult to affect with development assistance. Still, there are specific areas where there is a significant role. It requires that conflict prevention analysis is a mainstream activity in development co-operation. The team points out that a society's way of handling war experiences is a predictor of renewed conflict, making the return of refugees, reconciliation and prosecution for war crimes important in conflict prevention. The report also underlines the significance of democracy building. Although rapid democratization may lead to increased tensions in society, the report favors quick changes. It finds that democratization often is initiated at times of severe economic crisis. It makes it necessary to begin democratization when there is economic growth. In times of war, development aid may serve as a platform for dialogue across the divides. After a war, development co-operation can effectively support reasonable peace agreements. The report discusses the need to protect particular resources so that they are used to the benefit of society as a whole. It also finds it important to support gender-integrated groups in peacemaking.
Uppsala University Department of Peace & Conflict Research, Report No. 59Return to Coronet Books main page