Cherished Moments

Engaging with the Past in a Swedish Parish

By Bengt-Erik Borgstrom
Dec. 1997
Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN: 91-7153-514-4
153 p.
$59.50 Paper Original

This is an anthropological study of conceptionsof the past in a parish in Northern Sweden. History in the local context turns out to be a multifacetted phenomenon. In daily life, the past appears in conversations as episode and unconnected anecdotes. At the local museum, history is firmly centered on farmers and farming life.

Here the vehicles of the past are objects collected from different parts of the parish. A third form of history can be found in written accounts. This is a form of history that is more objectified and formal than the other two, although here, too, one may sometimes find traces of the anecdotal. People's understandings of the past are a mixture of all three forms of history.

Series: Stockholm Studies in Social Anthropology

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