A New System of Values for Malaysia
By Mahathir Mohamad
November 1986
Pelanduk Publications
ISBN: 967-978-103-8
165 pages, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
$27.50 Paper Original
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is renowned for his original ideas and incisive plain-speaking, both traits of which are grippingly evident in this book, where he takes an honest look at certain modes of thinking and living that are vying for supremacy in the modern world and within the Malay community in Malaysia.
With characteristic aplomb and straight-forwardness, Dr. Mahathir explodes fallacies and exposes distortions concerning Islam, education, role models, democracy, communism, freedom and discipline, and the concerns of this world and the next. Only by striking an equilibrium between an interest in things spiritual and secular can the Malays hope to face and overcome the conflicting forces of the modern world.
This book is as thought provoking as when it first appeared in 1986 and is still of special interest today as Dr. Mahathir is at the helm of a nation striving for racial balance and religious santity. He expounds the need for a new system of values, ethics and attitudes which the Malays must adopt in Malaysia's quest to become a developed nation by 2020.
Sociology; Politics
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