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Critique of Epistemological Reason
Perspectives to Philosophy of Science, Art Criticism, and Multiculturalism

By Dimitri Ginev
June 2000
ISBN: 9546420816
145 pages
$79.50 hardcover

At heart of as diverse intellectual enterprises as philosophy of science, social theory, and theory of art criticism is the "epistemological project of modernity". Assumptions regarding the central place of the knowing subject, representationalism, and normative foundtationalism have been constitutive for the discursive identities of these enterprises. The epistemological project of modernity is now in a state of crisis. By implication, philosophy of science, social theory, and theory of art criticism are searching for new identities. The author brings together the critique of the epistemological project and the search for post-epistemological identities by developing hermeneutic alternatives to the dominant conceptions in the three areas. The task of the HERMENEUTIC PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE is to deconstruct a series of major oppositions (science/rhetoric, science/literature, science/narrative) that has organized the "production of scientific knowledge". In discussing the issue of postnational multiculturalism, the author suggests a HERMENEUTICALLY REFORMULATED SOCIAL THEORY. He makes the aspects related to the interpretative criticism of the implicit liberalism of the human studies pivotal to the new identity of social theory. Finally, the HERMENEUTIC THEORY OF ART CRITICISM uncovers the creation of hybrid discourses between art and aesthetics.

Author Biography:
Dimitri Ginev is Professor of History of Hermeneutics, and Theory of Modernity at University of Sofia, Bulgaria. His publications include: GRUNDRISS EINER KRITISCHEN WISSENSCHAFTSTHEORIE, Lang, Bern/New York, 1989;DIE VERSCHMELZUNG DER UNTERSUCHUNGSBEREICHE, Lang, Bern/New York, 1993; DIE MULTIDIMENSIONALITAET GEISTESWISSENSCHAFTLICHER ERFAHRUNG, Die Blaue Eule, Essen, 1995; A PASSAGE TO THE HERMENEUTIC PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, Rodopi, Amsterdam/Atlanta, 1997; ESSAYS IN THE HERMENEUTIC PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE, Ashgate, United Kingdom, 1997; ISSUES AND IMAGES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (with Robert S. Cohen), Kluwer, Dordrecht/Boston, 1997.

Bulgarian Academic Monographs, No. 5