Cost Effectiveness of Sustainable
Housing Investments
By Tom De Jonge
May 2005
Delft University Press
ISBN: 9040725780
196 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ½"
$57.50 Paper OriginalOUT OF PRINT
Delft Centre for Sustainable Urban Areas carries out research in the field of the built environment and is one of the multidisciplinary research centers at TU Delft. The Delft Research Centres bundle TU Delft's excellent research and provide integrated solutions for today's and tomorrow's problems in society. OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies and the Faculties of Architecture, Technology, Policy and Management and Civil Engineering and Geosciences participate in this Delft Research Center. In the context of the sustainability of housing, the assessment of interventions in the stock is of primary importance.
So, one of the first requirements for a decision support tool in this field is that it can compare renovation to demolition followed by new construction. In this thesis the model of the Eco-costs/Value Ratio is elaborated for housing in a way that it meets this requirement. The elaboration of this approach connects eco-cost estimating to the traditional economic cost estimating in housing projects. This way, the assessment of the environmental burden of a plan can virtually be executed without extra calculation activities. The model can indicate whether a certain alteration in a building plan, aimed at reducing ecological burden, is cost-effective or not. Application in a case study shows that new construction and renovation need different approaches as to improving their performances in respect of ecological burden.
Housing; Urban Studies
Sustainable Urban Areas, No. 3
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