Cosmic Christology in Paul
& the Pauline School
Colossians & Ephesians in the Context
of Graeco-Roman Cosmology, with a
New Synopsis of the Greek Texts

By George H. Van Kooten
December 2003
Mohr Siebeck
ISBN: 3-16-148007-4
352 pages, 6 ¼" x 9 ¼"
$117.50 Paper Original

How did the understanding of Jesus as the universal Son of Man of Apocalyptic Judaism develop into the notion of a cosmic god, the cosmic Christ? George van Kooten traces the earliest encounters between antiquity and Christianity. Contents include: The Body of the Cosmos and its Coherence according to the Letter to the Colossians: Early Christian Thought in the Context of Contemporary Stoic and Middle Platonist Physics, Physics and Cosmic Christology in Paul's Authentic Writings, Paul and the Letter to the Colossians Reconsidered: The Further Hellenization of Paul's Cosmology and Cosmic Christology, The Reasons for the Letter to the Ephesians: The Pauline Debate on God, Christ, and the Cosmos Continued, Summary and Conclusions.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2, No. 171

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