Contesting the Frontiers
Media & Dimensions of Identity
Edited By Ullamaija Kivikuru
December 2001
Nordicom / Goteborg University Press
ISBN: 91-89471-08-3
244 pages, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$107.00 Paper Original
This book discusses the fashionable concept of identity in present-day hybridized mediascapes characterized by "cultural mixes." The ten articles present a variety of perspectives, some quite unorthodox. The main focus is on identity as it is discussed and debated by researchers in the Nordic countries, but some contributions lead us to Latin America and Africa, as well. To a certain degree, all the contributors advocate the return of place in identity as it is reflected in the media. Some articles include: Minorities, Multiculturalism and Theories of Public Service by Christian Christensen, Gauchos Going Global by Thomas Tufte, Space and Politics of Identity by Inka Moring, and Tracing the National "Us" from TV Talk by Sanna Valtonen.
Communications; Sociology
Northern Perspectives No. 2
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