Complete English-Hebrew Dictionary,
New Enlarged Edition [3 Volume Set]
By Reuben Alcalay
June 2000
Miskal Publishing
ISBN: 965-448-178-2
4270 pages, 6 1/2" x 9 1/4"
$120.00 Hardcover Set
The Hebrew language has traveled far since Yehuda Even-Shmuel first brought out his dictionary in 1929, then a major work of importance. The vocabulary expanded swiftly to unrecognizable dimensions, scores of technical and specialized glossaries were published by the Hebrew Language Council, now the Hebrew Language Academy, the Press adopted and assimilated thousands of new words and phrases, technical terminology experienced a radical metamorphosis, and the establishment of the State of Israel forced the language beyond it confines and made it imperative to coin a host of administrative, military and other locutions. These could hardly be found in any dictionary compiled many years before. Besides, the English speech, too, had changed and grown considerably, to keep abreast of scientific and technical advances, and extant dictionaries, lacking all this indispensable accretion, failed to answer the purpose.
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