Children's World of Learning
1480-1880, 3 volumes
With some additions printed in the Twentieth Century.
A collection of printed books, manuscripts, broadsides
& prints illustrating four centuries of education & popular
culture in Western Europe with emphasis on the Low Countries
June 2002
HES & DE GRAAF Publishers
ISBN: 9061941393
1,606 Pages, Illustrated (351 in full color)
$1950.00 Hardcover Slipcase set
Originally published as catalogue 100 of Antiquariaat FORUM in 10 issues between 1994-2002. With an extra issue with extensive indices. "The first part of a truly remarkable collection 'The Children's World of Learning' listed 529 numbers covering ABCs, calligraphy, spelling books and books on teaching languages, children's poetry, and serials. All this was punctually recorded and annotated […]. We shall look forward to the succeeding installments, expected to run to seven or eight more catalogues" (The Bookcollector, Winter 1994). "Just the iconography of looking through all the wonderful illustrations you reproduce in these ten parts makes it a bedside companion to bibliophiles all the world over" "There can be no doubt that this will become a work of reference, too, and one with an importance outside the wide frame covered by this monumental collection" (The Bookcollector, Summer 2002).
History of Printing; History of Education
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