Children, Young People & Media Globalisation
Edited By Cecilia von Feilitzen & Ulla Carlsson
December 2002
The UNESCO / Nordicom / Goteborg University
ISBN: 91-89471-15-6
262 pages, Illustrated, 6 3/4" x 9 3/4"
$98.00 Paper Original
Contents include: "Children, Globalization, & Media Policy" by Robert W. McChesney, "Media Globalization: Consequences for the Rights of Children" by Cees Hamelink, "Pikachu's Global Adventure" by Joseph Tobin, "Tracking the Global in the Local: On Children's Culture in a Small National Media Market" by Ruth Zanker, "Domesticating Disney: On Danish Children's Reception of a Global Media Giant", "Between Here & There: Israeli Children Living Cultural Globalization" by Dafna Lemish, "The Meanings of Television for Underprivileged Children in Argentina" by Roxana Morduchowicz, "Digital Kids: The New On-Line Children's Consumer Culture" by Kathryn C. Montgomery.
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