Catalogue of the Malaysian
(Insecta: Coleoptera)
By M.S. Mohamedsaid
May 2004
Pensoft Publishers
ISBN: 9546422010
240 pages, Illustrated, 6 ½" x 9 ¼"
$115.00 Paper Original
Presently, taxonomic information on the Chrysomelidae from Malaysia can only be retrieved from a number of sources, such as the Coleopterorum Catalogus, with it latest publication in 1973, and the scattered taxonomic publications found all over the world. Thus, the publication of this catalogue will be a single reference for the taxonomic information from the country. Malaysia comprises of the Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak, the Malaysian territory in Borneo. This catalogue will present a current taxonomic status of the Chrysomelidae, not only from Malaysia, but also from other parts of Borneo, which are under the sovereignty of Brunei Darussalam and Indonesia (Kalimantan). The catalogue of the Malaysian Chrysomelidae is a comprehensive one, both for Malaysia as well as Borneo. There are 1069 species and 215 genera belonging to 13 subfamilies listed in the catalogue. Out of this 1069 species, 634 and 619 are recorded from Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia, respectively. Each species is provided with scientific name, synonyms references and distributional data. The catalogues will be of use not only to specialists in taxonomy and faunistics of this diverse and economically important beetle group, but also to biogeographers, nature conservationists, quarantine officers, students, collectors and museum workers.
Faunistica No. 36
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