Catalogus Faunae Bulgaricae 5
Diptera: Fannidae, Muscidae & Stomoxydidae
By Valentin Lavciev
October 2003
Pensoft Publishers
ISBN: 954-642-180-4
77 pages, Illustrated, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2"
$48.50 Paper Original
The groups Fannidae, Muscidae and Stomoxydidae have received relatively little attention in Bulgaria. In this catalogue, indisputably, are not included all the species from Fannidae, Muscidae and Stomoxydidae. The species related with man, domestic animals and excrements are covered most completely, because of their epidemiologic and epizootologic importance and necessity of their control. The faunistic investigations of these groups out of the populated areas are carried out mostly in the open air of the main mountains in Bulgaria. In this catalogue are included all published data about 239 species from 38 genera, however, there could be expected at least one third more species of these three groups to be added to the Bulgarian list.
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