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The Butterflies of Uzbekistan
By Vadim V. Tshikolovets
December 2000
Published by the author
399 pages, illustrated
$237.00 hardcover
This volume is the first comprehensive reference book to all butterfly and skipper species known to occur in Uzbekistan, a country situated in the largest mountain ranges (Tien Shan, Pamiro-Alai) and largest deserts (Kyzyl Kum) of Central Asia. All species are figured in color (1650 figures). Five color plates represent landscapes, living butterflies, their food plants. Six plates with genitalia line drawings. The book includes information on distribution, habitats, flight period, complete synonymy, type material (partly figured in color) of 256 species (450 species-group taxa). Each species is provided with a distribution map. The bibliography reference section contains 444 entries.
Lepidoptera; Entomlogy
The Butterflies of Palaearctic Asia, No. II