Band Director's Handbook
A Guide for College & Secondary School
Music Directors in Southeast Asia

By Bruce Gale
December 2001
Asean Academic Press
ISBN: 1-901919-35-8
360 pages, Illustrated, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
$29.50 Paperback

This book has been written in response to the need for a comprehensive yet affordable guide for wind band directors in Southeast Asia. It is a practical manual, dealing with the principles of embrouchure formation, tone production, and articulation for every major brass and woodwind instrument. Percussion instruments are similarly treated.

Special chapters are also devoted to the fundamentals of conducting and writing transcriptions. In every case, the idea has been to approach the subject matter from the point of view of the non-specialist. The book is arranged in a pedagogical sequence such that the concepts introduced in earlier chapters are built upon in subsequent ones. In this respect, the first two chapters are especially important.

Even so, an extensive glossary at the end of the book should make it possible for most readers to go directly to the chapter they are most interested in without finding themselves overwhelmed with unexplained technical terms. Extensively illustrated, with dozens of musical examples and numerous additional tables and diagrams (including a useful troubleshooting guide in the appendix) this book is set to become an indispensable resource for band directors throughout the region.

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