By the Water
Archaeological Perspectives on Human
Strategies Around the Baltic Sea
Sodertorn Academic Studies, No. 17

Edited by Johan Ronnby
Translated from the Swedish by Skans Victoria Airey
July 2004
Sodertorns hogskola
ISBN: 9189315359
194 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¼" x 9 ½"
$77.50 Paper Original



The articles in this book deal with archaeological material and interpretations from very different periods. However, one thing that all these texts have in common is that they concern humans acting on, or close to, water. It is therefore the human interaction with the marine environment which is the common theme to this volume, regardless of whether the subject is Stone Age coastal hunters or 19th century navigations pilots. An important general question in relation to the ever present sea in this book is the relationship between a specific milieu and the functional, cultural and social strategies people develop within it.

Contents include: Strategies by the Water: An introduction, Neolithic Society in Eastern Sweden Segmentary, virilocal and animistic?, Boat on the River: Developing and applying alternative methods of tracing ship traffic on inland waterways, The Ships and seafaring of Central Sweden in the Late Iron Age: Myth and reality, By Lodia and Troika: Early Russian traveler's accounts, Aspects of Stockholm's Maritime Defense 1000-1800 AD, Boundary Thinking: The Medieval arena of Vanern, Land's End.


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