Known & Unknown
By Viara Kandjeva & Antoniy Handjiyski
Translated from the Czech by Vladimir Pomakov
September 2004
Borina Publishing House
ISBN: 9545001151
223 pages, Illustrated, 4 ¾" x 6 ½"
$55.00 Hardcover
Bulgaria is a state of thousand-year old history. She is situated on the geographic cross-road between Asia and Europe and her land was and still is, among some of the most fiercely contested by all who have ever claimed to rule the world. Many secrets of the oldest history of mankind are hidden in her bosom.
Today Bulgaria enjoys again a vivid interest in her. Re-discovered now and again she evokes admiration both with the beauty of her highly diverse nature, thousands of historical monuments narrating her ancient and rich history, and with the friendly hospitality of her fascinating people. This brief photo-story is comprised of over 200 color photographs.
Geography; Photobook
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