Bruc Ealles Well
[In English, French, Dutch]

Archaeological Essays Concerning
the Peoples of North-West Europe
in the First Millenium AD
Acta Archaeologica Lovaniensia Monographiae, No. 15

Edited By Marc Lodewijckx
June 2004
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 9058673685
219 pages, Illustrated, 6 ¼" x 9 ½"
$159.50 Paper Original

The essays in this book are about the peoples of North-West Europe in the first millennium AD. They were written by fellow archaeologists from various countries who either reveal the results of their archaeological fieldwork or place the knowledge they have of their particular region in a wider, supra-regional context. The title, "Bruc Ealles Well," a quote from Beowulf translates to "Make Good Use of Everything."

Contents include: Introduction, Holland during the First Millennium, A Mid 5th to Mid 6th Century Bridle Fitting of Mediterranean Origin from Breamore, Hampshire, England, with a Discussion of it Local Content, The Start of Peat Digging for Salt Production in the Zeeland Region, The Late Roman and Merovingian Periods at Wange (Central Belgium), Ritual Feasts: Glass Vessels in Norwegian Graves of the Late Roman and Migration Period.


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