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Biodiversity of the Caucasus Ecoregion
An Analysis of Biodiversity & Current Threats & Initial Investment Portfolio
Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea & PapilionoideaEdited by Vladimir Krever et al.
December 2001
World Wide Fund for Nature
ISBN: 5-94398-005-9
132 pages, illustrated
$50.50 paper original
Part I of this report provides an overview of the Caucasus Ecoregion and the socioeconomic issues that threaten it. Part II consists of Ecoregion-based approaches to conservation in the region, while Part III describes priorities within each of the four countries that make up the Caucasus Ecoregion. In all, annotated descriptions of 99 project proposals are provided in Parts II and III. Complete project descriptions and detailed budgets are available through the World Wide Fund for Nature. This report is intended to assist donors and conservation agencies in prioritizing and coordinating efforts on conserving biodiversity in the Caucasus Ecoregion, while promoting local community participation in project development, implementation, and replication in other areas.
Environmental Science